September 07, 2023

Events this September

By 1605 Collective
Event, Festival, Photography

As autumn approaches, a world of creativity awaits! Swipe through to discover September's must-see photography and art events that will ignite your artistic soul.


Johnny Mae Houser | Photography


Solo show at Homecoming Gallery
8-10 September
Kerkstraat 67, Amsterdam


Babs Decruyenaere | Photography


Babs Decruyenaere


Launch of "Understanding the Landscape" & signing
10 September
Nationalestraat 28/A


Berlin Art Week


13-17 September



paul cupido


21-24 September
Westergas Fabriek, Amsterdam
Come and join 1605 Collective at UNSEEN Amsterdam to see our books and book-related accessories and don't forget to join us for our signing sessions with Bastiaan Woudt, Tim Verhallen, Thirza Schaap, Babs Decruyenaere and directly from Poland - Kacper Kowalski.

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