November 02, 2021

"Rhythm": Q&A | Bastiaan Woudt

By 1605 Publishers
Interview, Photography
Bastiaan Woudt (b. 1987, The Netherlands) is the author of several titles published by 1605 Publishers like "Peak", "Tino" and "Hidden". His new body of work titled "Rhythm" came out this year and it encapsulates 10 years of his oeuvre. Exclusively for 1605 Publishers, Bastiaan Woudt answers some essential questions about his body of work that includes portraits, nudes, still lifes and landscapes from the previous projects and also the unpublished material. Now that you have created an extensive body of work as "Rhythm", what is next?

Rhythm is my latest project, a celebration of a 10th anniversary in my career, so I have to enjoy it first. There is a book, a book launch, a show at Bildhalle Amsterdam - this all, is a really big milestone in my career. I already have some ideas for my upcoming projects that I'd like to execute in the Netherlands and abroad in the beginning of next year. But hey, this is the future. For now, let's ease off and relish the present as it offers quite a lot of moments to enjoy. You have mentioned that the selection process for "Rhythm" during the Covid-19 pandemic has been a cathartic experience.

And how did the experience of the pandemic have affected your photography in general?

Pandemic slowed me down. I am used to a very fast life: travelling, meeting people… At first, it was annoying to stay still to hang in this limbo. However, later on, I realised that it allowed me to reflect a little on what I have done already. I went back to my archives and looked at my past work that was sitting there, quietly, waiting for its moment. And that's how "Rhythm" was born - 500 pages of pure reflection. A truly meditative experience.

"Rhythm" has become your 10-year retrospective. And how do you see yourself in 10 more years?

Staying inspired with my daily life is what I aim for. I create my work with an open heart. There are no mood boards or special plans for my shoots in my studio. So I wish to keep things going with their natural flow as I do now. Pandemic made me more selective in my taste. I still look at a lot of photography and art in general, but I also pay attention to the design details and architectural landscapes. Everything is quieter now, but also, more meaningful and solid. It's a perfect base for a fruitful future. In these 10 years, apart from your interest in photography, you also flourished as an entrepreneur. What inspired you to step onto this path and what future do you see for your enterprise?

I started 1605 because I wanted to publish my own books. I have this entrepreneurial urge in me and I also love designing photobooks. Another reason for starting this company is that I am a big advocate for an open and transparent art world. If both sides: photographer and a publisher are happy, it's a good collaboration for many years to come. The books we create at 1605 Publishers, show our artistic vision and they also help talents to get an opportunity in the art world. In the coming future, we would like to focus on publishing 5 to 10 books a year and give our support to their authors. We want to continue creating special moments for the love of art and for the aesthetic pleasure of art lovers out there.

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Bastiaan Woudt

A renowned Dutch photographer Bastiaan Woudt (b.1987) began his photographic journey both by devouring photography books and experimenting with different photographic techniques. He explored his artistic instinct and gathered a unique vision by diving into the work of Irving Penn and Richard Avedon. Passionately putting the knowledge of the masters into practice and applying to it his contemporary twist, it didn't take long for Woudt to win International Awards and appear in high-end galleries around the world. For 10 years, with the help of the camera and post-production techniques, Woudt has been creating elegant monochrome symphonies with this, sharing his contemporary view on the classical composition and providing the spectator with a unique aesthetic experience.