February 14, 2022

Richard Serra | Portfolio

By 1605 Publishers
Art, Portfolio

Richard Serra (b. 1938, San Francisco) currently lives and works in New York and on the North Fork of Long Island. Being one of the most significant artists of his generation, he has produced large-scale, site-specific sculptures for architectural, urban, and landscape settings spanning the globe, from Iceland to New Zealand. Serra has radicalised and extended the definition of sculpture with his early experiments with rubberneon which resulted in his large-scale steel works.


"Obsession is what it comes down to. It is difficult to think without obsession, and it is impossible to create something without a foundation that is rigorous, incontrovertible, and, in fact, to some degree repetitive. Repetition is the ritual of obsession. Repetition is a way to jumpstart the indecision of beginning. To persevere and to begin over and over again is to continue the obsession with work. Work comes out of work. In order to work you must already be working." 


Richard Serra



Richard Serra




Richard Serra




Richard Serra