August 08, 2022

Summer Houses⁠

By 1605 Publishers
Design, Inspiration

A summer house is a place where you leave all the troubles of the busy routine behind. It can provide extra living space with great views, of course, but it’s also ideal as a place to read, paint or enjoy your favourite movie. It might even be the home office you need when things get too hectic in the actual house.

An ideal summer house resembles summer itself: maximum light, large windows and French doors. It is open and airy and feels like you are still in the garden, just with some nice furniture and a roof over your head. 

This tiny island of refuge can provide some extra sun, relaxation and freshness. Right in time before we return to sitting in front of fireplaces, wrapped in fleece blankets. ⁠

Enjoy the selection of summer interiors from 1605 Publishers!⁠

summer houses interior
summer houses interior
summer houses interior
summer houses interior2
summer houses interior
summer houses interior
summer houses interior
summer houses interior
summer houses interior

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