• The Value of Art in the Digital Age

    The Value of Art in the Digital Age

    Flipping through the pages of a beautifully crafted art book is a lot like standing in a gallery, mesmerized in front of a painting that speaks to you on a deeply personal level. The artwork need not be famous, expensive, or grandiose—it’s the connection it sparks within you that matters. Howard Greenberg, the renowned collector and gallerist, captured this sentiment...
  • Studio Visit: Peggy Kuiper

    Studio Visit: Peggy Kuiper

    1605 Collective recently had the opportunity to visit the studio of Peggy Kuiper (1986). Her muted figures with spidery fingers and almond-shaped eyes, drawn in simplistic shapes, often look straight at the spectator serene or a little solemn at times, they seem withdrawn —almost as if they haven't noticed you are there or don't want to be noticed themselves.