Tim Verhallen | Portfolio
An excerpt from the portfolio of Tim Verhallen in 1605 Magazine No.1 Reflection
Images: Reveal, Tim Verhallen
Tim Verhallen loves being around people, discovering diverse characters and studying different appearances. His photographic pursuits are as much about the subjects themselves, the uncovering of a person and what lies within, as they are about the art itself.

His penchant for seeing new faces—coupled with his powerful, fresh energy and intimate knowledge of lighting and photography’s technical aspects—inspires him to create images that are contemporary, captivating and classic. Verhallen leads the way for a new generation of photographers.
Reveal is Dutch photographer Tim Verhallen’s (b. 1990, the Netherlands) first monograph published by 1605 Collective. The book, which contains images from both commercial assignments and personal projects, splits Verhallen’s extraordinary world wide open.
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